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Custom Features

Issues and Issue Boards
Create top-level issues and attach or relate them to the CRM process where they arises. Fully define each issue and conveniently group them into Issue Boards for better management. You can also classify them using Stephen Covey’s Four-quadrant matrix for importance and urgency for better time management.

Issue Alternatives
Mostly all issues can have various alternatives for analysis and resolution. Here you can define low-level issues alternatives, and create Action Plans for each of them.

Action Plans and Action Plan Items
Once issues are clearly defined, action has to be taken. The Action Plan feature is just that. It allows you to create high-level action plans, and low-level action plan items for each plan. In other words, you can bundle related action plan items (tasks) into a action plan so that you can efficiently manage and track their progress. Futhermore, an effort log can be defined for each item so all envolved parties can log on and keep track of time and effort invested.

Issue and Action Plan Networks
You can set up simple networks (or maps) to depict how Issues are related to each other. This way “drivers” and “outcomes” issues can easily be detected and focused. Similar networks can be assembled for Action Plans.

You can define assignments for all related stakeholder in almost everywhere in the application. A clear definition of what is expected of an assignment can defined, not only for issue management specific modules, but for all standard modules as well.

When emails, meetings, notes, attachments and calls are not enough to express ideas and thoughts, this module is a perfect complement. You can create an internal Blog (or forum) to discuss practically anything.

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